Our worship seeks to glorify God and strengthen the faith of all who attend. We are a gender-inclusive church that values all Spirit-filled voices of our fellowship. Women and men pray, serve, and preach in our worship service, as the church recognizes their God-given gifts.
Our service is about an hour long and is carefully planned by worship teams. As a church, we follow the lectionary, which is a schedule for reading Scripture rooted in the ancient Jewish and Christian practice of assigning portions of the Bible to be read in worship on particular days. By using the lectionary, we are also in solidarity with thousands of churches and denominations around the world who are reading and hearing the same texts each week. Our preaching minister, Albert Acosta, draws from one of the assigned lectionary texts for the day and preaches a twenty minute sermon. The worship planning team for the week incorporates the assigned Scriptures into the service through hymns and individual and congregational readings. True to our heritage in the Churches of Christ, we sing a cappella in four-part harmony. Words and music are projected on screen and are also in hymnals in the pew.
A focal point of our Sunday assembly is to take Communion, as our Lord Jesus instructed. We believe it is a sacred meal that is Christ’s blood and body, broken for us. It is a meal that binds us to each other and to Christians across the world today and throughout time. We invite all who wish to participate in this holy event to do so.
Finally, as a church, we value spending time and eating together. After worship service, we invite everyone to join us for coffee and snacks across the street in the activity building before Bible classes begin.